Hello. My name is Simon. I come from Slovenia, but from the year 2021 I live in Germany. I count my self as a person of different fields of interest. My life is occupied by three passions:

– software development,

– health and

– philosophy. 

I like to help others, by sharing my knowledge in those areas. I envision a life based on our core values and long term goals. I love talking about Exercise, nutrition, philosophy and software development. If you do that too (in any of the area), you are welcome to contact me.

My education and field of interests include number of different areas.
First, I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information science, from the University of Ljubljana. Through my education, I have specialized in development of web applications and embedded systems.
I continued my studies in the field of Cognitive Science. Here, I was focused on the topics of food perception and the reward system. As an author, I have also publications in the fields of neurology and (food) object recognition.
After my formal education, I have additionally decided to pursue a carrier in the field of diet and exercise. These two fields were a passion from my 14th age onwards. For that, I became certified as a personal trainer by the organization AFP. Later, I have upgraded, specialized in the theory of High-Intensity Training – HIT. This education was provided by the HITUni. 

Currently, I am employed as a Full Stack Java Consultatnt at the company Burk-Consulting Gmbh. The company is based in Darmstadt, Germany.  Java is the language I feel most comfortable in. For it, I’m also certified by Oracle. The main inspiration and motivation are expressing my thoughts in a clean and readable code.

For more details related to my work experience in the field of software development, look at my CV.

My diet approach targets health improvements, improved body composition, emotional stability and simplicity. I don’t suggest cold turkey changes, but gradual incorporation of new approaches. In the end, the goal is to make yourself realize that steady, healthy, and persisting dietary changes will lead to sustainable results.
My main target is to control blood sugar, balance out hormones, and living in accordance with our innate biological rhythm.
As a trainer, I focus on the principles of intense, safe, and productive exercise. My main mission in exercise is to improve your quality of life, without you needing to flip over your daily routines. Preventing pain and injuries is my highest priority. I focus on safe exercises that allow me to deeply fatigue the targeted muscles, but not the joints and ligaments I want Exercise to facility and enrich your life, not occupy it with time, and adding persisting discomfort.
In my opinion, improving one’s productivity is a crucial skill to have. This is especially important to advance in carrier and personal life. Through years of education and employment, I have stumbled on many productivity philosophies. These all help me to stay focused, manage time, improve learning rate and enrich my creativity.
I like to debate and I like non-conventional questions. Through the years, I have gained a specific interest in the philosophy of Objectivism. This philosophy was pioneered by Ayn Rand. Her philosophy has drastically changed my perspective of the world and my place in it. By establishing my own sets of values, I once again became a ‘child’ with a thirst for exploration, education, and experimentation.
As a Certified Carnivore Coach, I offer my expertise on the MeatRx platform. On that platform, I provide guidelines for adopting a meat-based diet. My knowledge comes from my personal experiences, and constant drive for learning.
Additionally, I provide personal training through my own platform brevis-fit. Here I provide real time exercise supervision, with the focus on productivity, efficiency and safety.